Let you never to be hit and killed by a missile! 讓你永遠不被導彈擊殺!

Let you never to be hit and killed by a missile!

War in Ukraine showed a nuclear warhead on a hypersonic missile is impossible for you to run for lives.

However our computer AI derived from far ancient outer space Alien advanced technology can tell you when to run away from a warhead (with or without a nuclear bomb) in advance, at least a day or a month ago.

We are not alone on Earth. Alien advanced technology has been developed very much accurately by us beyond your comprehension.



然而,我們源自遠古外太空外星先進技術的電腦人工智慧 AI 可以提前告訴您何時逃離彈頭(有或沒有核彈),至少在一天或一個月前。





北宋汝官窯瓷器之皇室工藝龍紋 The Royal Craftsmanship Dragon Patterns of Ru Imperial Kiln Porcelain in Northern Song Dynasty

北宋宋徽宗御用汝官窯天青釉刻劃花三爪龍紋六蓮瓣花口盤 Northern Song Dynasty Emperor Huizong's imperial use Ru imperial kiln sky-green glazed engraving and incising decoration carved three-clawed dragon pattern six lotus petal flower mouth plate 大元國霽藍釉地底足內甜白釉刻大元國成吉思汗萬歲萬萬歲內府公用龍紋款三爪白龍紋梅瓶 A Sapphire-blue glazed Blue ground 'Three-Claws White Dragon' Meiping Vase with White glazed base carved 'Dragon' and mark-inscribed 'Long Live Long and Long Live the great Yuan Empire Genghis Khan and for imperial public usage only' great Yuan Dynasty 明朝開國功臣軍事大元帥陳秀甫家族祖傳的傳世藝術收藏品(6大名瓷) The art collections (6 famous porcelain) handed down from the family ancestors of the military marshal Chen Xiufu, the founding hero of the Ming Dynasty

「天神密碼」保護「無價生命」 我們知道你的昨天、今天和明天! "The God's Code" protects "Priceless Life" We know your yesterday, today and tomorrow!